Time & Location

Sunday service begins at 10:30 AM, and typically lasts about one hour and 30 minutes. Our church building is located about 2 miles from downtown Ithaca and Collegetown at 1462 Slaterville Road.

Fellowship Hall

"Be hospitable..." - 1 Peter 4:9
An important part of our weekly gathering is the fellowship of the saints together. To help facilitate this, we have free breakfast food and drinks available by 10:00 A.M.

Worship & The Word

"Preach the Word..." - 2 Timothy 4:2
We open with 25-30 minutes of contemporary worship, followed by prayer and announcements. We encourage families to worship together for this portion of the service. Following worship, we take a 5-minute break in the fellowship hall to greet each other, while children and Sunday School teachers head to their classrooms. We resume in the sanctuary at 11:00 AM for a practical, Biblical message from a book of the Bible. Check out our latest sermon here.


"The Lord looks on the heart..." - 1 Samuel 16:7
We are more concerned with you meeting with God and getting built up in your faith than what you wear. Most of our congregation dresses casual (slacks, jeans, shorts, sandals, sneakers, dress shirts, etc.), so please come as you are.

Sunday School

"Let the little children come to me..." - Matthew 19:14
Our building is small, but we make the best of it. Nursing mothers share a room with the 0-2 year olds. We have a 3-6 year old class and a 7-11 year old class. Each classroom is staffed by an experienced, Spirit-filled adult who loves Jesus and is concerned for your child's safety, as well as teaching them age-appropriate lessons that lead them to Christ. Snacks and drinks will be provided.