Pastor Scott Hathorn and his wife Joni

Pastor Scott Hathorn and his wife Joni

Prior to relocating to Ithaca, Scott and Joni Hathorn resided in Rochester, NY. In 1982, at the age of 24, through divine and dramatic intervention, the Lord graciously saved both of them – within a day of each other! Shortly after, they attended a new church called ‘Maranatha Fellowship’ (now ‘Calvary Chapel Finger Lakes’) and began growing in grace under the teaching of the word. A few years later, they joined an outreach of that fellowship in Rochester, NY, now called Calvary Chapel Rochester. Scott eventually served as an elder while continuing to work in the building supply business. Joni was a stay-at-home mom, homeschooling their two daughters and two sons through high school. In the spring of 2000, the Lord called Scott to follow him to Ithaca. By Christmas of the same year, a church was formed, worshipping in the living room of their new home on Hanshaw road. They have had the privilege ever since of watching Jesus transform lives (including their own!) and equip people to serve the lord with all their heart, soul, strength and mind.

They look forward to meeting you. His love never fails!